Friday, April 22, 2016

Wilderness Expedition 2016 Walkthrough

This here is a walkthrough on the Wilderness Expedition 2016. Here goes...

  1. Aunt Arctic will talk to you. She will give you the Wilderness Expedition interface.

  2. Go to the path with a wooden sign. It will take you to the forest maze.
  3. After following the barely-eaten trees, you go to the sasquatch village.
And that's it for the walkthrough! Mrdave out.

My review on the Puffle Party 2016

This is my review on the Puffle Party 2016. Here are the pros and cons of it:



I liked the decorations. The waterslide at the Cove is AWESOME, and the design looks great.


The quest was cool. I liked it because of the scavenger hunt vibe, with clues and everything. (Good idea, CP!)


Zero (and I mean ZERO) new puffles

I was expecting CP to release new puffles, but there were no new puffles at the Puffle Party! What's next, kicking out all the puffles and making the players forget the puffles were there?

Member items (this is ironic, considering that I'M a member)

With all the member items, this party is just like Operation Tri-umph: very few items for non-members! Before that party, non-members could get the head, face, and neck items!
So, I give this party a rating of Very Good! Mrdave out.